Saturday, February 19, 2011

I've Missed You.

I haven't blogged in such a long time. I remember creating this to be a makeup/personal blog that I would update everyday. Yeah, that didn't happen. But from this day forward I promise myself that I will blog more to let out frustrations and share happiness. Even if I don't want people reading it. haha

I guess I'll start over with Joshua and I making two wonderful years together. It's so hard to believe that it's already been two years, where has the time gone?

We started planning a little get away trip to New Orleans a few weeks ago. But our anniversary didn't exactly turn out the way we had planned. We wanted to leave Tuesday after I got out of my last class but we actually left the next day at around 5 am. The drive there was really rough on me because for some unknown reason the past two weeks I have had pain in my left ribs. It bothered me the entire trip so we only stayed for 5 hours before coming home. We had a great time though, here's some pictures.

The past two years with Joshua have been truly amazing. He's taught me so much about myself and knows me better then I do. I couldn't imagine it with anyone but him.
