Sunday, March 6, 2011

What is going on??

I have no idea what is wrong with me right now. I just feel so....BLAH!

What you are about to read is going to be rant/tears/messiness/randomness. I'll just start all of this from the beginning of the weekend.

I got my wisdom teeth removed Friday, so I'm still a little drugged up and that's what I'm blaming this horrible depressing mood I'm in on.

I was pretty nervous Friday morning when I woke up. I've never had any kind of surgery before and have never been put to sleep. Being put to sleep freaked me out the most. When they called me back to the room I sat in a dentist chair and two nurses walked in. They started talking about Mardi Gras and what they planned on doing, then one of them put a mask over my nose with some laughing gas. I expected it to smell funny or make me feel weird right away but I never noticed anything.

About 5 mins later the surgeon walked in and told me he was going to give me an IV, which I questioned him about because I've only heard of nurses doing that. haha I told him I had to watch him because If I didn't I would jump, He laughed and said I was just like him. It was then that I tried to move my head to look at my arm and I realized how numb my body was. He sprayed my arm with some cold stuff and I felt something really warm enter my arm. I couldn't even count to two if I tried before I was out.

I remember being woken up by the nurses, watching her hand two white bags to Joshua, being in the car and Joshua saying he made a wrong turn, and then waking up in the recliner because Joshua wanted to change my gauze but he couldn't find tweezers. haha everything else is a blur or I just don't remember it. Josh says that I claimed to feel like I had just got beat up by Mexicans. lol I also thought I was Eminem and tried rapping.

Anyway, the rest of Friday and Sat was pretty much the same thing.

Today I actually got dressed and put on makeup. I went to Academy and then drove to pick up Alaina. I took her shoe shopping, we played Wii, Joshua BBQ'd boudin for us and we watched a movie. We also did make-up and girl talk. haha I love 5 year olds. I took her home and once I got home my bad mood kicked in.

I'm stressed about school. I don't know why, I'm doing great, I'm just like...freaking out for some reason about it. I can't stop thinking about money either. Money stresses me out, I just want to fast forward to when I have my awesome job and don't have to worry about it. ugh! Just typing about it is making me cry.

At the same time that I'm freaking out about all this (one other thing that I will not talk about) I'm thinking about how I really want feather extensions, my long hair back, my blonde hair back, how 90's music is making me feel better. but then I start thinking about the above and its a repeating cycle.

I'm never like this. If you didn't know me you would think I have some kind of mental disorder I swear. although typing some of it out does kind of make me feel better.

Love always,